All’unanimità la giuria composta da Francesca Leoni, Laura Leuzzi, Chiara Passa ha deciso di premiare l’artista Daniele Grosso con “The View from the Plane” per l’alta qualità, estetica e la poetica del lavoro che verso l’ottantesimo anniversario dei tragici eventi di Hiroshima e Nagasaki in un mondo segnato da conflitti rievoca gli orrori della guerra e con uno sguardo al passato segna un importante monito verso il futuro.
Unanimously, the jury composed of Francesca Leoni, Laura Leuzzi, and Chiara Passa has decided to award the artist Daniele Grosso for ‘The View from the Plane’ due to the high quality, aesthetics, and poetic nature of the work. As we approach the 80th anniversary of the tragic events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a world marked by conflicts, the piece evokes the horrors of war and, by reflecting on the past, serves as an important warning for the future.

Artwork by Valentina Hu


The artist’s work, starting from the title’s suggestion, is a very effective metaphor for the theme of alienity. From a stylistic point of view, it demonstrates a very original visionary talent. In particular, the performative action, where the body becomes a vector of interpenetration between the subjective and objective dimensions, is perfectly integrated within the poetics of the work.